
Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Autobiography poem

Tall, Brainy and Strong
Who fears Clowns, Heights and Snakes
Who loves Video games, family and sleeping
Who is skillful at fighting mathematics and bucky's
Who would like to see Snoop dogg, and Ice Cube
Who dreams of being the richest in the world, and being famous
Who is a student of Glen Innes School



WALT - write an explanation about our favorite sport

Success Criteria - To be Successful I must
  • Explain the meaning of my favorite sport.
  • Explain the rules and equipment and the skills.


What is boxing? Boxing is a combat sport in which two people usually wearing protective gloves, throw punches at each other for a certain amount of time in the boxing ring with a professional referee watching them.

What is the equipment for boxing? The only equipment you need is boxing gloves

There are a lot of rules in boxing but the main rules in boxing is you cannot hit with your head, shoulder, forearm, or elbow and also you cannot hit below the belt, hold, trip, kick, headbutt, wrestle, bite, spit on, or push your opponent.

The only skills in boxing you need is fast punching skills and you need to have a stable stance and fast footwork.

Although boxing sounds fun it is very very dangerous because once you hit the age of like 70+ you start to act like a handicap and you get brain damage.

Figurative language

Rounding numbers

Nearest whole number -
3 789 472.175 = 3 789 472 00

Nearest tenths -
3 789 472.175 = 3 789 472 270

Nearest hundred -
3 789 472.175 = 3 789 500.000

Nearest ten thousands -
3 789 472.175 = 3 790 000

Nearest hundreths -

3 789 472.175 = 3 789 472 180

Friday, 28 September 2018

Different types of sentences


Ways to rEduCE rubbish at our sChool


 I strongly agree that we should take our own rubbish home here is my reasons why From my point of view we should take our own rubbish back home because that is the fastest way to reduce rubbish at our school, and if you get caught throwing your rubbish on the school grounds you get in trouble and have to write 1000 lines. And I strongly agree that we should take our rubbish home because we can also play more better games then we usually do and we can play a game without interrupting our game. Like saying we are playing a game then the coach see’s a rubbish she will say can go pick up that piece of rubbish instead of just carrying on. Finally I think we should take our own rubbish home because it is kinda the fastest way to reduce rubbish at our school.

